I decided to run down to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things before he got home from work, just so we wouldn't have any distractions tonight (if you know what I mean, and I think you do).
So I got about 10 items total and I went through the check out line. I noticed the cashier was giving me the strangest look. I couldn't figure out why. I was pondering this all the way home and then I realized what I had purchased...
Oh my Rowling...the lady at Wal-Mart thinks I'm a deviant...
That's a riot! Definitely something that I would do. My husband was in walmart one day and bought a shovel and duct tape (for something) and then balloons and candy for my daughter's b-day party. It must have looked like he was about to abduct a child. I just shook my head and walked away.